RAK Free Trade Zone Authority(RAKZ) UAE has its stall at the ITCN Asia 2009 where I visited to Ms.A.Nillofar Faaliyat, the Business Development Manager RAK FTZ UAE.
Ms. Nillofar told that the government of RAK is offering tremendous opoprtunities for Pakistani investors and busines circles to grow their lucrative business there.
She briefed about their following salient features:
Established in 2000, Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAK FTZ) is one of the fastest growing and most cost-effective free trade zones in the UAE and today is home to some 5000 companies. Our commitment to simple and customer-friendly procedures has already become recognised in the region and RAK FTZ is rapidly emerging as the preferred business hub of the Middle East.
With the same services companies enjoy in other centres, for instance in Dubai, but with lower costs, our clients benefit from a range of advantages:
100% tax exemption
100% foreign ownership
Transparent laws and regulations
No restrictions on capital and profit repatriation
Strategic location within proximity to Dubai
State-of-the art communication facilities
Easy access to Ras Al Khaimah international airport and a sea port
Achieve global brand recognition as a premium investment agency where customers find the optimal business solutions to their needs.
To attract and maximize the growth of high value added, know-how based, technologically advanced, and innovative businesses to benefit Ras Al Khaimah and generate increased revenue AND to help UAE companies internationalize via RAK FTZ international offices network.
Visit us in our office at Ras Al Khaimah, Dubai or Abu Dhabi to learn more!
good coverage.... keep the good work up.....
Group Director Marketing
Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan